Being an Explorer

When you join Explorers, you’ll be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things. Here’s everything you need to know.


Explorers start small but think big, always challenging themselves to do more and be more. It all starts with an award.

What To Wear & Badge Placement

You don’t need a uniform to join. But once you’ve settled in, you’ll start speedily earning badges, and you’ll need to know where to put them!

Explorer Ethos

As a values based movement we all make the ‘The Promise’ an oath that helps us to be our best


With the support, direction and guidance of Unit leaders, you’ll be encouraged to lead yourselves, design your own programme and work towards the top awards that Scouting offers. With exciting prospects like being a part of camps and expeditions both home and abroad; adventurous activities such as mountaineering, parascending and off shore sailing; Explorers offers fun and adventure for all.