We are extremely fortunate to be supported by a number of organisations, as our sponsors and partners.


Sponsors provide YSJ with financial support, or a tangible benefit ‘in kind’. The generous donations of our sponsors allow Young Scientists Journal to continue providing a platform for young people to have their work published and recognised. We are indebted to the following organisations:

The King's School, Canterbury

The King's School, Canterbury

The Young Scientists Journal was founded at The King’s School, Canterbury, which has a strong history of scientific endeavour. One of the schools most famous former pupils is William Harvey who demonstrated the circulation of the blood. Scientists at King’s today are given the opportunity to be involved in current scientific research projects. Working in collaboration with Universities, research projects are developed that enable students, who might be considering a scientific discipline at University, to engage with genuine investigative science. Students who sign up for these projects will encounter the real ups and downs of scientific research: ambiguous results, failed experiments and other such frustrations provide a realistic insight into what it is to be a research scientist. The prestigious Michael Foale award, named after former pupil and astronaut, is made to an outstanding Sixth Form scientist.

The Nutrition Society

The Nutrition Society

The Nutrition Society was established in 1941 and is dedicated to its mission of advancing the scientific study of nutrition and its application to the maintenance of human and animal health. The Society is one of the largest learned societies for nutrition in the world, and a not-for-profit membership organisation. The Society publishes five renowned journals, six textbooks, and regularly organises CPD endorsed conferences and training workshops disseminating cutting-edge nutrition. Anyone with a genuine interest in the science of human or animal nutrition can become a member. Student and graduate membership rates are available.


Partner organisations are strategically aligned with the goals of Young Scientists Journal and are great supporters of our work. Our partners allow us to reach and provide opportunities to more young people. Thank you to all the organisations that are involved for their continued support

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