- Junior Editor
- Print Artists
- Artists
- Software Engineer WordPress Admin
- Podcast Team
- Content Creator
- Social Media Team
- Videography (TikTok and YT)
- Newsletter Team
- Outreach Officer
- Academic Advisor
- HR officer
"Being a part of the journal has been a real eye-opening experience for me. I have learnt so much in such a short space of time and look forward to learning and experiencing even more in science communication in the future!"

Harry Cordeaux, UK
Head of Outreach and lead Videographer
Being a member of the YSJ has transformed my abilities of leadership, cooperation, and learning in ways I’ve never experienced. The YSJ is basically the epiphany of what I’ve always wanted to join, and it’s something that lets me become familiar with editing science papers as a teenager. Many of the papers I’ve read have been incredibly thought-provoking, so now I am better aware of my own interests as well!

Devaanshi Kawatra
Junior Editor
"During my time at the Young Scientists Journal, I have learned about the teamwork and coordination necessary to operate a student-led science journal. As I continue to write and edit articles and work on podcast episodes, I hope to continue to explore my passion for science. Thank you to all the departments for making YSJ the way it is today!"

Soumyadeep Talukdar, USA
Podcast Team and Junior Editor
"So far, my time at YSJ has been amazing. I have met many new people who helped me contribute for experience and research. YSJ has a very lively community of people and will definitely help you grow as a person and in science. Overall, I am very grateful for being with YSJ and all of it's members."

Saket Pathak,USA
Newsletter team and WordPress Admin
"When I was in high school and playing around with equations trying to discover patterns and stuff, I never thought anybody would take my ideas seriously, and none but a few did. But everything changed after I discovered the Young Scientists Journal. I was so happy to see young students from all over the world publishing science articles - both research and review - and an equally dedicated team of young students running the journal - from editing articles to marketing and outreach. I submitted my articles and they were accepted for publication in the YSJ. The YSJ gave me a platform to write about science, popularize science, something I've always wanted to do... Then I joined the team, initially as an outreach member, later as a junior physical sciences editor. I got to learn so much, the articles I edited were so novel and interesting, and I got to know so many brilliant and like-minded people from around the world. I was later appointed as senior physics editor. YSJ has given me so much... I would recommend any young science enthusiast to consider joining the YSJ."

Arpan Dey, India
Senior Editor For Physics